8-Piece Activity Track
*configuration varies
This highly versatile marking can be set up in a straight line, wrap around a corner, or curve along a walkway!
No matter the layout, kiddos love to run, jump and side-step their way through this activity marking. Not a runner? Wheelchairs, strollers, skates...all are welcome!
What Teachers Love:
- Big wins, every time
- Improve Balance and Gross Motor Skills
- Word, letter and Color recognition

Snake a-z
Letter Recognition + activity marking
Can you slither like a snake as you run run though Mr. Snake? How about recite your A-B-C's while you hop on one foot?
Teachers can really encourage kids to get creative on this marking: backwards, forwards, vowels, consonants, colors, there is no wrong way to snake your way through this marking!
What Kids Love:
- Get out the "wiggles!" with serpentine movements
- Vibrant Colors
- Brain Breaks help me learn!

Number Target Full Solid
Math Sense, Games, Addition
This highly requested marking is great for recess, gym and after-school care! Work on math sense as you tally your score, have a friendly competition with a buddy at recess, or work on your aim while you goof-off with your friends, Number Target never fails to deliver.
What Kids Love:
- Beating yesterday's score
- Quick math that translates to classroom mastery
- Works in a large or small group dynamic

Brain Breaks, Games, Gross Motor Skills
Never underestimate the value of an old-standard! This one pulls kiddos in every time they hit the playground!
What Kids Love:
- Style points
- Quick mastery = big wins
- Vibrant colors

telling time, counting by fives, AM/PM concepts
Time is on your side with this marking as we learn to master the clock! Kiddos make big connections when they are a part of the illustration. Let them take turns being the minute and hour hand, introduce the concepts of half-an-hour and a-quarter-past in a way they cannot experience it on paper!
What Teachers Love:
- Inquiry-based learning
- hands-on (and feet-on!) instruction
- Big discoveries for all needs levels

Mirror Me
Leading/Following, teamwork, turn-taking
Mirror, mirror, who is that copying me?! This marking will have them waiting in line as they play follow the leader, show off their fast-stepping skills or slow it waaaay down.
What Kids Love:
- Footloose and Fancy-Free
- Co-operation and friendship-building
- Put my own spin on it!

8-Point Compass
Activity, Learning, Discovery
Any way you look at it, this is a marking that will point them in the right direction!
What Teachers Love:
- Inquiry-based learning
- hands-on (and feet-on!) instruction
- Big discoveries for all needs levels

Number Grid 1-120
Activity, Learning, Discovery
What Teachers Love:
- Inquiry-based learning
- hands-on (and feet-on!) instruction
- Big discoveries for all needs levels

Splat Hopscotch
Activity, Learning, Discovery
What Kids Love:
- Style points
- Quick mastery = big wins
- Vibrant colors

Activity, GAMES, Discovery
What Kids Love:
- Style points
- Team Activity
- Vibrant colors

Activity, GAMES, Math Sense, Discovery
Let the games begin! This is great marking for recess, gym and after-school care. Work on math sense as you tally your score, have a friendly competition with a buddy at recess, or work on your aim while you goof-off with your friends, Number Target never fails to deliver. No one out-grows dartboard!
What Kids Love:
- Beating yesterday's score
- Quick math that translates to classroom mastery
- Works in a large or small group dynamic

Your other left! This one take skill, concentration and a little bit of style as kids follow the leader and step-in-time. Great for gym, recess and after-school care.
What Kids Love:
- Style points
- Team Activity
- Vibrant colors

Number Throw
What Kids Love:
- Call your shot
- Trick shots
- Vibrant colors

Multiplication table
Inquiry-Based learning, Math, Multiplication
What Teachers Love:
- Inquiry-based learning
- hands-on (and feet-on!) instruction
- Big discoveries for all needs levels

Rocket Hopscotch
Activity, Learning, Discovery
Blast-off as you hop your way through an adventure. Count-down from 10 and do it all again!
What Kids Love:
- Style points
- Quick mastery = big wins
- Vibrant colors

Sensory Path
sensory Activity, Learning, Discovery
What Kids Love:
- Self-paced
- Soothing
- Brain Breaks

Adding more and more images all the TIME!
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