Creating Empowered Kids

Making Parents the One Percent
February 26th 2020
Parents care more about their children at school than we realize
Often we hear about the demise of the family and our lack of focus on our children. It’s ironic that we are facing many difficult issues at our elementary schools, and yet, there is hope that we have the right priorities. Parents care, teachers care, and school administrators care. Let’s take a look at some interesting findings from Pew Research, what are parents greatest aspirations for their children?
- Honest & ethical
- Caring & compassionate
- Hard-working
- Financial independence
- Ambitious
And, most parents want to contribute time and resources at their children’s schools. The problem is the battle for time for the moms and dads. Interestingly as parents, we first care about our children’s welfare, and then our hierarchy of concern and desire to impact positively, especially with respect to being good parents, are the following:
- Spouses
- Our parents
- Our children’s friends parents
- Our close friends
Yes, we have many problems that we are facing pertaining to education, BUT we have our priorities right, and we seem to care about others as we work to develop the next great generation.
Becoming the One Percent School!
The difference between an interesting experience and an improvement is taking action. Our kids deserve our best, please take action on a couple of items:
- Have a conversation with your motivated partners and determine what would make -your playground a positive part of your school.
- Give us some feedback on what issues your schools your are facing that are your biggest concerns. We are passionate about building the best school environment with our partners and clients. Send a quick note to: in**@ed***********.com