Creating Empowered Kids

In Focus: Conflict Resolution Circles (CRC)
March 12th 2020
I often say that in business, the person who can tactfully manage through conflict is one of the most valuable people on the team. How do we naturally develop these skills on the playground? It is through positively managing through the conflict with a kind heart. An excellent educational tool are CRC’s. These development circles are referred to as: “What Can I Do Circles, Wheel of Choice, and Kelso’s Choice Circles”
The key to implementing an effective CRC, is simple:
- Start slow in teaching; specifically, teach one choice at a time to the students,
- Be clear on what the desired outcome is for the student,
- Stay positive, and re-enforce with positive examples,
- Have playground monitors trained on the process with an eye on age-appropriate use
- Use it!
We see bullying and playtime conflict in elementary schools cascading to cyber-bullying and issues associated with teen suicide. And, we wanted to spend a bit more time outlining this innovative connect for involved members of the school community.
Becoming the One Percent School!
The difference between an interesting experience and improvement is taking action. Our kids deserve our best, please take action on a couple of items:
- Have a conversation with your motivated partners and determine what would make -your playground a positive part of your school.
- Give us some feedback on what issues your schools your are facing that are your biggest concerns. We are passionate about building the best school environment with our partners and clients. Send a quick note to: in**@ed***********.com